Oxenford Pony Club

Please visit the PCAQ website for a link to a copy of the policy provided
by Gow Gates
OPC Bank Detail
Westpac Bank BSB : 034153
Account No. : 236466
By negotiation - conditions apply (Non Member at $20 levy per rider with approval)
Contact the Club for more details
We’re proud to be a FairPlay activity provider!
FairPlay is the Queensland Government’s initiative empowering kids to be more active, more often.
Eligible parents, carers or guardians can apply for FairPlay vouchers valued up to $150 for their child to use for sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees with us!
To see if your child is eligible visit:www.qld.gov.au/fairplayvouchers
Next Event
First "Come & Try" Rally
2nd February (Sunday)
8.00 am - 1.00 pm
Next Event
First "Come & Try" Rally
2nd February (Sunday)
8.00 am - 1.00 pm
Our Sponsors

Some important things to remember .......
Please do not exceed the 50klm speed limit in Charlies Crossing Road
Help is needed on Rally and Competition days moving equipment and setting up for the day. Come a little earlier and offer your assistance to the Instructors so time is not wasted. At the end of the day we would appreciate help to clear away and clean arena.
Remember we are on tank water - get into the habit of using a sponge and bucket, limiting use of the hose.
No dogs allowed on the grounds while horses are onsite