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Rules & Regulations

Information you should read 

Members under 18 years of age must have a minimum of one parent as a social member (PCAQ).
Children 16 years and under must be supervised by an adult at all times whilst on the Oxenford Pony Club grounds.  No jumping outside rally days unless an NCAS Level 1 Coach is supervising on the grounds.

The idea of our rallies on the first and third Sunday of the month (in hot weather first and third Saturday nights) is for riders to improve their riding and horsemanship skills and learn the skills and rules for different disciplines – dressage, showjumping, cross-country, sporting, gymkhanas, eventing and combined training. At least 3 rallies must be attended before you can consider riding in outside events. 

For those riders interested in riding in events that require nominations, please discuss with instructors to help you nominate for the correct classes or prepare for that particular event. Remember, you are representing the Club, not riding as an individual, so we encourage you to make sure you know what is involved and expected of you.  This makes for all round enjoyment of your riding experience. Any of our instructors or committee members can be contacted on Facebook or email anytime.  

All nominations for Official events need to be paid for and paperwork given to the Club Secretary, at least 3 working days prior to the closing date of an official event. Full details are to be provided and filled out correctly with all boxes filled in and full payment submitted at the time of nomination.
Nominations can be made by cash or bank transfer, our bank details are Oxenford Pony Club BSB 034153  Account No. 236466 (Westpac). Please note your name and event every time or you may miss out if not identified.  This also makes for extra time and work for the Secretary and Treasurer.

Forms and proof of payment will need to be emailed to the Club Secretary Sara and Treasurer Margaret within the 3 working days prior to the event so we have enough time to process the nomination with the relevant club.


Objects of Pony Club

  • To encourage young people to ride and to learn to enjoy all kinds of sport connected with horses and riding.

  • To provide instruction in riding and horse mastership and instill in members the proper care of their animals.

  • To promote the highest ideals of sportsmanship, citizenship and loyalty, thereby cultivating strength of character and self-discipline.

Code of Ethics

  • To encourage young people to learn and enjoy all kinds of sport connected with horses and riding.

  • To provide instruction in riding and horsemanship and to instill the proper care of their animals.

  • Our Code Of Ethics is the set of principals be which behaviour can be judged to be right or wrong.

  • This code sets the minimum standard expected of everyone who is a member of our club.

  • It describes the behaviour we believe in and commit to, both individually and collectively. In the event our standards are compromised by a member’s behaviour, disciplinary action including suspension and/or cancellation of membership , may result.

  • Club relationships and decisions are characterised by integrity and fairness and a desire to work together for the benefit of the club and it’s members.

  • We commit to; Treating everyone with courtesy, patience and respect and not causing disadvantage, discomfort or embarrassment to fellow members.

  • Contribution to an atmosphere in which diversity of constructive opinion, perspective and culture is valued and encouraged.

  • Ensuring there is no direct or indirect discrimination or harassment.

  • Ensuring to the best of our knowledge that all declarations or statements relating to our club and it,s members are true and correct.

  • Acting in a manner that never intentionally causes damage to our club,s interests, member relations or public reputation.

  • Not engaging in behaviour that intimidates, offends or damages the character or property of other members or visitors to our club.

PCAQ Codes of Conduct/Behaviour for Riders & Parents & for Cyber Bullying

To All Members, Riders, Parents, Officials of the abovementioned clubs and Zone 2 South East Queensland Pony Club Inc.

  • Zone 2 S.E. Qld Pony Club Inc is enforcing the PCAQ Codes of Conduct/Behaviour for 2013 for all Members, Riders and  Parents.

  • Zone 2 will be monitoring both Face Book and Twitter for any Cyber Bullying or vicious attacks on members of Zone 2 S.E Qld Pony Clubs or of any other members of PCAQ.  This is clearly a violation of the PCAQ Codes of Conduct/Behaviour in which all members have accepted when they signed up for 2011, any members involved in cyber bullying will have to face the consequences of their actions.

  • PCAQ promotes a safe and fun riding environment for all activities.  Zone 2 S.E Qld Pony Club Inc. also promotes these principals, and only riders that display these same qualities and principals will be asked to represent Zone 2 South East Qld Pony Club Inc.

PCAQ Rider's Code of Behaviour

  • Ride by the Rules.

  • Never argue with an Official.  If you disagree, have your Team Manager approach the Official during a break or after the competition.

  • Control your temper.  Verbal Abuse of Officials and Sledging other Players (Riders), deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE or PERMITTED BEHAVIOURS in any sport.

  • Work equally hard for yourself and/or your team.  Your Team’s performance will benefit, so will you.

  • Be a Good Sport.  Applaud all good efforts whether they are made by your team or the opposition.

  • Treat all participants in your sport as you like to be treated.  Do not BULLY or take unfair advantage of another competitor.

  • Cooperate with your coach, team-mates and opponents.  Without them there would be no competition.

  • Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.

  • Respect the Rights, Dignity and Worth of all Participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

PCAQ Parents & Guardians Code of Behaviour

  • Remember that Children participate in sport for their enjoyment.

  • Encourage children to participate, DO NOT FORCE THEM.

  • Focus on the child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.

  • Encourage children always to play according to the rules and settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence.

  • Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a competition.

  • Remember that children learn by BEST EXAMPLE.  Appreciate good performances and skilful plays by all participants.

  • Support all efforts to remove verbal abuse and physical abuse from sporting activities.

  • Respect Official’s Decisions and teaches children to do likewise.

  • Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators.  Without them, your child could not participate.

  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

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